Electric Supply

CT Cabinet and 400 amp disconnect
Trenching in front of cabinet. This is the heart of the new system. The Current Transformer (CT) cabinet, on the left, connects to the utility (Alliant Energy) transformer. It has a connection to
the meter as well the 400 amp disconnect on the right.

Busy at 111 trenching for new 400 amp electric utility supply. Had to trench from the house to the new disconnect. Then from the CT Cabinet to the transformer location. Then over to the barn and to the well, making sure I missed the telephone line to the house.

The trench is generally 28″ deep.  The electrics are buried at this level and the comms buried 12″ down.

Trenching in front of cabinetTrench to barn



I had the utilities come by to mark out the existing supplies, as in the picture to the left. Took three goes to find the telephone and in the process seemed to fix a problem with the phone. Can now send a fax! More views below showing backhoe and general trenching.




Below are general views of the house disconnect, ducting being laid in preparation for connection to transformer and fuse disconnects for 400 amp main switch. Yes, they are very large!!



